If you have any Questions, Concerns or just want to talk here is a listing of our Chapter Officers for the 22-24 year of Service.

Vietnam Veterans of America, Liberty County, GA; VVA Chapter 789

Table of Organization for 2022-2024

President; Dennis P. Fitzgerald, USA, (Ret), 912-980-5204, abn.rangerfitz@gmail.com

Vice President; Ron Bogart, USMC, 478-733-4272, bogartrwi@gmail.com

Secretary; Lil Shurtleff, 912-977-5627, lshurt1942@gmail.com

Treasurer; Jack Morris, USA (Ret), 912-977-9728, morrisf@comcast.net

Chaplain: Ron Bogart (see above)

Sgt @ Arms; Lew Waldrop; USA (Ret), lewwaldrop@gmail.com     

Welcome Home; Jerome Washington; USA (Ret), 912-980-2451

Board of Directors:

Angel Rivera

Frank Scozzafaca

Luis Carreras

Military & Veterans Affairs; PJ Schneider (Ret), mypoppypj@gmail.com

Audit Committee: Lew Waldrop, (See above), 

Finance Committee Chair; Greg Blakley, 912-570-7942


AVVA Chapter #789 Officers:

President: Faye Morris, 912-977-3729, morrisf@comcast.net

Secretary / Treasurer: Liz Moore, 912-308-2377, ziljoe@comcast.net 

Lil Shurtleff, 912-977-5628, ishurt1042@gmail.com


We can be contacted in one of the following ways:

EMAIL:  vva.libertycountych.789@gmail.com

On Facebook: GA Liberty County VVA Chapter 789

or by contacting one of the above listed Officers. Our mailing Address is:

VVA, GA Chapter #789, PO Box 1679, Hinesville, GA 31310-1679